This is a family blog. I thought since everyone is on the internet, but no one writes, we could share information and keep in touch with each other.
I just spent a month in Idaho, staying principally w/Peter & Heather and Kylie and Shaelynn. It was COLD!!! I also got to spend some time w/Noall and John and Sara. Hopefully, Peter and Heather will recover from Grandma's visit.
Noall and Kylie and Shaelynn are the cutest grandbabies anywhere. Dad (who was up for two short weeks) thinks so, too.
Now, I'm back home, but not working until Jan. 4th, 2006. I may only be working 3 days a week until school starts back up, but there is a chance I may get in on one more trial w/Ms. Peck, the attorney I worked w/on the Tyquiengco trial. It's another interesting case. It was sent back down to Superior Court by an appellate court because of -- you guessed it -- prosecutorial misconduct. The prosecutor w/held exculpatory (information that showed the defendant's innocence) information from the defense. So it's a retrial.
Right now, we're getting ready for Christmas. Almost done shopping. Always seems like I forget something.
Well, Happy Holidays to all. Hope to hear from you when you get a chance after Christmas. I know you all check things online and none of you write letters (snail mail), so I thought this might be a good idea for keeping in touch w/each other on what is going on in our lives.
Check w/Pete about his school and finals (and his daughters).
Love you all,