Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Dad's Surgery

Today Dad was moved out of ICU into regular hospital rooms. He is more awake and alert. He is also complaining more. :) Which is a good thing, actually. However, he is still weak and it takes a lot out of him for long phone conversations. I'll give you kids an opportunity to talk with him as he feels up to it.

They got him sitting up today, which makes him feel much better, not slumped down on his chest. They took the chest tubes out yesterday and it is helping him breathe much easier. He is, of course, still in pain. But, hopefully, the more exercise he gets, the faster he will heal.

We don't have an exit plan yet, but I know whatever it is, it won't be soon enough for Dad.

They took him walking for about 150 yards this morning. Which is actually quite impressive. He still sleeps a lot, but he is healing, so that is good. And he has exercises to do 3 times a day. Then because the hotel where we are staying has stairs, they'll be working on stairs with him before he is released.

Hopefully, the 17th is still a good day to leave. But I won't know until the doctor comes in sometime today. Actually, I've got night shift now, so I'll be with him at night when there are no doctors. Wenda and the Borns will be with Dad during the day.

It's amazing how well he's doing for what he's been through. I'm hoping his recovery is faster now that he's out of ICU and they're finally taking care of his asthma. We have to get his lungs to recover from the surgery and then he'll be ready to leave.

Take care, love you all.


Blogger Mom Nixon said...

P.S. No picture taking is allowed at Cedars-Sinai because of all the "stars" that come here. So you can't see what he looks like. Sorry.

Blogger Davin Creed said...

Bah, use a cell phone to take a picture.


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